New Brunswick Waterfalls…3 & 4….or so we tried

Today was really a test in patience and respect for nature…oh and a lesson in needing REALLY good guide books.

We started out for Waterfall #3 Crooked Creek Falls Once again our GPS couldn’t find the spot unless we put in GPS coordinates. It would get us to the correct road and we hoped we could take it from there.

This drive took us to Eastern Fundy shore with the high tides out our windows. Taking a left turn onto the correct road started off just fine. It took us to a beautiful look out point.

and hit a trail nearby. It eventually looped back to beginning, no waterfall. But did make a cute friend

So we reset the gps and used our small amount of cell service and took a ShArP right turn onto a horribly kept road. We kept going, and going. Pot holes the size of swimming pools, large rocks, fallen trees. Hitting bottom on a log or pipe or something. Zero places to pull over…on and on and on and on. Finally pull over spot. Cell service connects we are past it. So carefully back. Stop where a few other cars are parked and walk down a road…through mud where a mini frog jumped on my toe 😭 and some bird and her babies who puffed her chest and tail and charged at us

No waterfall.

Back to car I see nearly hidden, the trail. Donny was feeling done with this waterfall but we were so so close.

And the mosquitoes don’t care you’re wearing bug spray FYI

So we start down the trail that very very quickly takes a steep path down. We started but I didnt have confidence to keep going especially since we didn’t know for sure it’s the right path. So left. Once we got home and researched it, it was the correct path and worth the steep climb. So maybe another day.

On to waterfall #4 Memel Falls the GPS again had to go by coordinates but we figured couldnt be much worse. It was maybe 5KMs away from where we were.

So down another narrow winding road. GPS is matching cell phone more or less and we park and walk. And find I guess a waterfall technically.


But being eaten alive and feeling weery and unsure where to go…we headed home.

One thing we did find was this:

A heart shaped rock. Should have taken it but I prefer to leave nature where I find it.

It was a fun day out together even if we didnt succeed in finding any waterfalls. A new guide book has been ordered so next time we will succeed. Stay tuned 🙂

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